kates actdion using Snyder's exclusive cushion systems. For the adult skate, we make cushions available in five degrees of hardness: extra soft, soft, Medium, Hard and extra hard. Of course, we have no way of knowing the size and weight of a skater, so we use the flexible cushions for smaller-size plates, annd as the plate size increases, so does the hardness of the cushions. However, a small light skater with large feet should be on a large skate with flexable cushions, while a large, heavy skater with small feet should be on a small skate with hard cushions.
Snyder's standard live rubber cushion systems have a very good " memory". Is a term describing a rubber's tendency to return to its original shape. Live rubber also "Takes a Set". This phrase "takes a set" means that live rubber cushions can be compressed into a different shape ("the edge" of the skate) and then can be expected to keep that shape with little resistance. Standard live rubber cushions permit graceful and easy edge changes needed for Dance Skating.
Snyders live rubber conical cushions offer less resistance than any other cushion to a small lightweight skater, and they also offer much needed control needed in Figure skating.
The clear advantage in a live rubber chusions is its willingness to hold an edge. When using live rubber cushions in time, live rubbers memory loses its strength and the live rubber cushions should be replaced every 3 - 6 mths to insure your skates are kept in "top performance" condition.
By selecting the cushion system designed to the precise weight, height and strength of a skater, you are enable to "fine tune" a skaters action to the requirements of the discipline being skated. No other skate offers this remarkable ability to "fine tune" a skaters action to the needs of the skater.